Retail Doctor Academy

Course Category: Webinar

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Category Cardio™ Webinar

Fit for Business™ Webinar
An Omnichannel World

Omnichannel is about the ecosystem or the community that the retailer is building. This is through their in store experience, the way they use social media and their capability to drive their community through business information systems, data bases and the collection of data.

This webinar talks about how to build your omnichannel offer, how to build your point of difference and how to train and coach your employees.

This content is only available to subscribers of The Retail Doctor Academy

Omnichannel World Webinar

Fit for Business™ Webinar
An Omnichannel World

Omnichannel is about the ecosystem or the community that the retailer is building. This is through their in store experience, the way they use social media and their capability to drive their community through business information systems, data bases and the collection of data.

This webinar talks about how to build your omnichannel offer, how to build your point of difference and how to train and coach your employees.

This content is only available to subscribers of The Retail Doctor Academy

Fiscal Physical Webinar

Fit for Business™ Webinar Fiscal Physical

Underneath every businesses sustainable cash flows lies the machinery which we know as Fiscal Physical. These are the core numbers in a retail business –profit and loss, cash flow and balance sheet.

This webinar helps us to understand – how money moves through the business, how it is made, how it is lost and understanding the relationship between the net worth of the investor, balance sheet and cash flow.

This content is only available to subscribers of The Retail Doctor Academy.

Fit For Business™ Visual Impact & Effective People

Fit For Business™
Visual Impact & Effective People

Visual Impact is about the theatre of retail. Creating excitement, inspiration and education, converting the retails space into something that builds your brand.

This webinar talks about how you can enhance your retail spaces to maximise the offer.

This content is only available to subscribers of The Retail Doctor Academy.

How to Understand Your Customer on an Emotional Level

How to Understand Your Customer on an Emotional Level

Fit For Business™ Customer Connection Webinar

Customer Connection is about how the business interacts with its customers, customer satisfaction, mystery shopping, research, insights and the customer experience

This webinar will discuss how to understand customers on emotional level and how you can talk to your customers on

This content is only available to subscribers of The Retail Doctor Academy.

Website & Social Media Marketing

Website & Social Media Marketing

Fit For Business™ Brand Aid™ Webinar

Brand aid is about the uniqueness and point of difference in a business, How are you different? How are you unique? How are you expressing this uniqueness to the market? What are you great at? How does it come to this reasoning? Does the business have a good sense of the context and landscape?

In this webinar we focus on website & social media marketing.

This content is only available to subscribers of The Retail Doctor Academy

Strategic Planning 101

Fit For Business™ Strategy Sensor™ Webinar

Strategic Planning 101

In this webinar we focus on the elements of strategy including uncovering what strategy is and how we can develop and deliver that strategy.

This content is only available to subscribers of The Retail Doctor Academy

How to Grow a Sustainable Business

How to Grow a Sustainable Business – The Steps to Business Fitness

In this webinar we look at today’s journey to ‘Business Fitness’. We will take a look at the challenges retailers are facing today and what we can do about these challenges, as well as uncovering The Steps to Business Fitness™.

This content is only available to subscribers of The Retail Doctor Academy.